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Rising your consciousness during the night !

When you close your eyes and begin to flow into your sleep, it happens something really interesting, ignoring it would be like saying that the stars are not existing in the night-sky, while you just have to gaze up towards it !

Whilst the sun is enlighting the world every day, the stars are also shining beside the blinding sunrays, but nobody is able to see any constellation. It is only during the sunset that the stars begin to be visible... and so you fell asleep !


Did you ever wonder why naturally, all your being is sliding into a mindset totally different ?

Your consciousness, which is normally concentrated on thousands of stimulation coming from the external world, has suddenly nothing to focus on, your body needs rest and all the senses are, in a way, also resting... One third of our life is spend asleep, what a waste of time if nothing relevant happens !

Most probably, we are just not trained at all to take advantage of it, and this is where I may help you ?


What are the tricks to begin to take advantage of your night ?

Begin to learn and finally understand your own unconscious language is a key point !

That's why a dream-diary is essential, every day, recording your adventure, your feelings, your emotions... Dedicate time for that will trained your consciousness to pass the border more easily between dreams and "reality".

But be patient, remember how long is was as a baby to learn own to interact with the external world... so keep going, step by step !

Once in bed, you can :

  • Relax your body : lay down and relax every part, one by one, visualise it and relax it, until your body is totally mellow.

  • Calm your mind : focus on your breath is a efficient technique , it slows down the flow of your thoughs, slowly immerge you into your body sensation.

  • Use a mantra : once it's all set up, body and mind relaxed and peaceful, you can focus your consciousness by repeating a sentence like "I become aware during my sleep and I remind my dreams once awake", until your fell asleep.

Feel free to find your own formula, if this one doesn't vibrate with you, but bear in mind to make it in the present and in a positive way (your mind is getting confused if you speak in the past, future or with negation).

It's up to you to decide to begin this amazing journey inside yourself !

if you still wonder if it worth it, I'm gonna share the first lesson that I've learned from the study of my night-dreams :

« A couple of years ago, a dream was recurring during my night-life , let me paint you the scenery :

I'm laying down in my bed in my own room, nothing can make me think I'm dreaming actually, everything is still ... But suddenly, something is touching my blanket, it happens once, twice, even thrice, but this time, whatever it is, grabs even more my cover and begin to pull it in order to let me almost naked, vulnerable, my lukewarm body in contact with the stagnating cold air of my room...

At the beginning, when I was doing that dream, I was always fighting with that invisible strenght, indeed, I was not able to see the shape into the darkness of my surrounding environment, except sometimes a blur shade that rapidly vanish into the air, not weakening at all his power, what can I do ?

Dreams after dreams, the strengh is coming back to pull my protection away, and I'm fighting, recognizing the situation, knowing now that I'm dreaming, but the more I pull the sheet from my side, the more it pulls even more from the other side...

One night, maybe tired to fight, I decide to give up and let it take my cover, after all, I'm dreaming, nothing bad can happen, and this is here that something surprising occurs... I gave up fighting and I started to accept the situation as it is !

And what happened next was simply incredible ... As my cover was flying away from my bed, a wind begins to blow into my room, all over me, until I point where I was floating into the air.... this sensation was amazing, no more weight, only your body flowing into the air !

So I gave up the fight and I began to fly... Yes the first time was surprising, but dreams after dreams, because I knew what was going on later, I was not fighting at all, and I started to learn how to flow properly.

Some nights, I was passing through walls and floors to slide outside, exploring even more this unknown dream-land !

Now, it happens more frequently, and I always surrender to the process, I know I'm gonna travel, that I'm safe, and most of all, that I gonna feel again that sensation to be just one with the univers, just flowing with it, humbly witnessing what is going on...

If I want the experience lasts, I need to be totally in a state of calm observation, accepting to don't know what's next, but trusting totally the process in order to travel through new lands, enjoying the journey.... »


How can I apply this in my everyday life ?

Obviously giving up the fight that can occurs sometimes inside (when your mind seems to be so agitated that you would like to take off that crazy voice to rest in silence...) and started to accept the situation as it is, stoping willing different stuff, just deal with what is going on, right here, right now, and play with that, surrendering to what is proposed to me !

Struggeling is now becoming a sign, like a starting point that tells me to relax and trust in the process … after all why resisting and fighting against my own resistance ?

I've learn by direct dream-night experience that surrendering to the process is better that trying to control it !

Yes you have to trust, yes you have to accept to give up and let it go, but when flowing is becoming a way of life, things are getting easier !


During daytime, our consciousness and all our senses are totally absorbed by the external world, most of the people don't even realise it exists another realm within themselves !

The night is full of teaching and our dreams are strings you can easily grab to travel through yourselves !

An unlimited source of solutions that can help you to flow in your life more easily lies just inside, so let's take advantage of it, you simply deserve it !

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