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Lucid Dreaming !

It is said that when you speak another langage, it's like you explore another area of your brain and modify your mindset, and so discover a brand new world in yourself, giving you the occasion to play with that every day, consciously or not !


I could have just decide to live my dream and keep everything for me and my personal accomplishment, but I do believe that sharing is much more important, because this is all together that we evolve !

So if you are reading these words, it means you are already on board with me, let me present you what you can find on this website:

  • « Welcome » page is an easy way to navigate, giving you a quick description of the different spaces available !

  • « Dream-World » is where you will find all dreams collected, asked to people all along my journey around the planet ! I'm sure your curiosity will guide you to that special area, don't hesitate to come back often, there are always new dreams uploaded ! This is also where you can find a link to this newsletter !

  • « Skills » is a part where I talk about the faculties I would like to work on and improve during my journey, all these domains make me vibrate and do feel myself at the right place !

  • « Love me » is a description of who I think I am today, what is pushing me to move and follow my dreams, what is my perception of life ! You will also find my Workaway and Couchsurfing journey, showing you who are those people participing in the realisation of my alive-dream !

To strenghen our connexion, let me remind you : Facebook / Instagram / Youtube / Newsletter


In exclusivity, I would like to share an interview made by Hare Krishna monks I stayed with in Lithuania.

In order to awake the desire into Workawayer's heart to come to live with them for a while, they wanted me to do a testimonial !


I also would like to talk about Kasia, a courageous woman met in Varsaw in Poland !

She fully dedicated her life to her mother who get sick since few month and she needs some help in many ways in order to have a decent existence, so I invite you to visit her website by clicking on the picture and listen to your heart to see how you can give a hand.


To close this newsletter, I'd like to share a new adventure that I decide to begin, so as you already decide to stay with me, you will know everything...

Have you ever heard about « Lucid dreaming » ?

You understand that following your dreams in essential to be happy in your life, but who really cares about what is going on during the night, when your body is resting, it seems that something never stops and creates an experience also called dreams...

Some people have no clue about this process, they go to sleep, and wake up in the morning with no memory at all of what happened, some others remember their dreams, most of the time, it seems that they have no sense, like if the imagination is just processing, but you may also have experiment something different, a moment during your night when you realise you are dreaming, it is like your became suddenly conscious, like if a light just turns on and gives you access to a new world where everything seems possible !

This is called Lucid dream !

Where the conscious mind is invited to live the process, it can happens spontaneously sometimes, but you can also learn to induce it and keep the consciousness strongly awaken while the body is having rest...

Actually, since my childhood, I'm having that kind of experience during the night, not all the times, but it happens often enough to give me the desire to explore it more deeply today, and I invite you through this journey !

In the next newsletter, you will probably find what are the tricks to continue to be conscious during the night state, I may also share some of my craziest dreams, allows you to travel with me a step further !

I'm sure a lot of surprises and atypic events will pop up in my life, I may also share it with you, who knows ?

I let you think about this in music, let's vibrate, let's infuse, let's dream !

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